Whine&Wine ist ein kostenloser Workshop-Tag, der unterschiedliche Frauen* zusammenbringt. Dabei steht das Schaffen eines safer spaces für eine möglichst diskriminierungssensible Atmosphäre im Vordergrund, verbunden mit der Dancehall-Kultur. Neben zwei Tanzworkshops von DHQ Tamica und Michi Adamski, kreierten Becky Fetsch und Jassin Fetahovič einen Raum, in dem ein verbaler Austausch der Teilnehmerinnen stattfinden konnte. Dabei wurden Diskriminierungsformen gemeinsam erörtert, Erfahrungen miteinander geteilt und mögliche Strategien zu gegenseitigen Empowerment diskutiert.
Whine&Wine is a free workshop day that brings different women* together. The focus is on creating a safer space for an atmosphere that is as sensitive to discrimination as possible, combined with dancehall culture. Besides two dance workshops by DHQ Tamica and Michi Adamski, Becky Fetsch and Jassin Fetahovič created a space where a verbal exchange between the participants could take place. Forms of discrimination were discussed together, experiences were shared and possible strategies for mutual empowerment were discussed.
Whine&Wine is a free workshop day that brings different women* together. The focus is on creating a safer space for an atmosphere that is as sensitive to discrimination as possible, combined with dancehall culture. Besides two dance workshops by DHQ Tamica and Michi Adamski, Becky Fetsch and Jassin Fetahovič created a space where a verbal exchange between the participants could take place. Forms of discrimination were discussed together, experiences were shared and possible strategies for mutual empowerment were discussed.